On August 9th – 10th, 2022, NAFARMA held a training course of "Action Plan and Execution Control Skills". The course was held with the coordinated implementation of PACE – the Institute of Management and lecturer Le Kim Tu – Principal Lecturer at PACE Institute of Management who also held the position of CEO of Rang Dong Plastic Company.
The course is built to support managers at all levels and employees to realize the importance of an action plan and control the implementation of the plan, apply methods and tools to plan and implement the plan effectively. Training content includes:
Overview of planning in business;
Methods of making action plans to actualize goals;
Control execution effectively;
Summarize & orient the application of knowledge in practice.
Thanks to the professional organization of PACE Academy, the extremely practical lectures of the lecturers as well as the attentive listening and learning of the managers and employees of NAFARMA, the course went smoothly and successfully.
Let's take a look back at some moments from the last course: