Now is the time to bare your body but your body is probably not ready for the summer – Cherrill Hicks looks at some of the strange reasons why keeping weight off is so difficult

By Cherrill Hicks

The start of the summer holidays can come as a mixed blessing. On the one hand – hoorah! But on the other hand, many of us at this juncture find ourselves staring down the barrel of a week or more on the beach with our wobbly bits exposed to all and sundry. Why, we wonder, did we abandon on January 2nd that well-meaning New Year’s resolution to eat more sensibly? And why, for that matter, have we not exactly been getting value for money from our expensive gym memberships?

In fact, we may not be wholly to blame. Research suggests there are many subtle, and often overlooked, reasons why for most of us the so-called“beach-fit body” remains so elusive, despite our best intentions. A nine-year study of more than 278,000 people living in England, published in theAmerican Journal of Public Health earlier this month, found that for obese patients, “maintaining weight loss was rare and the probability of achieving normal weight was extremely low.” Previous studies have reached similar conclusions. The reasons, however, are manifold. Here, we look at the sometimes unexpected, and occasionally downright bizarre, factors that could be making weight loss so difficult.


Sleep problems

There’s compelling evidence that poor sleep habits can exacerbate weight problems, with one recent Dutch study finding that people who averaged just five hours’ sleep a night were 73% more likely to be overweight than their seven-nine hour counterparts. It’s possible, though unproven, that lack of sleep affects leptin and ghrelin, the two hormones involved in appetite regulation, although it may be that fatigue encourages both overeating and less physical activity. Getting more sleep is easier said than done but it’s likely to help you stick to your weight loss plan.


Eating too fast

A 2010 study from Greece showed that those who ate 300ml of ice cream in five minutes had lower concentrations of two hormones released by the stomach after a meal that warn us it is time to stop eating. “It takes anything between 10 to 30 minutes for our digestive enzymes to release the hormones that tell the brain you feel full after a meal,” says Ahrens. “If you’re eating very quickly, that mechanism might not have kicked in and you may still feel you’re hungry.”



High stress levels may have you reaching for the biscuit tin, according to scientists from Israel, who say they have pinpointed a “comfort eating” gene that increases the appetite for sweet and fatty foods at times of trouble. Other researchers argue that stress releases the “fight or flight” hormone cortisol, which can elevate appetite.

But these mechanisms are unproven and it may be that for some, food simply acts as a stress reliever, just like smoking or drinking, according to Ursula Ahrens, a London-based nutritionist. “It might relate back to experiences as a child – being given a chocolate when you are crying,” she says. For most of us, a certain amount of stress is unavoidable in daily life, but relaxing techniques like yoga and mindfulness may help us steer clear of the chocolate.


Lack of sunshine

Could a vitamin D deficiency be to blame for unwanted weight gain? Scientists from Aberdeen University who studied more than 3,000 women from Scotland in 2008 found those who were clinically obese contained 10 per cent less vitamin D than those of a healthy weight. Some researchers say that low vitamin D interferes with leptin but it’s more likely that obesity lowers blood levels of this vital nutrient. “Overweight people in general have lower vitamin D status because the vitamin D is bound to adipose tissue,” says Ahrens.


Skipping breakfast

Experts are divided over whether skipping breakfast helps or hinders weight loss. One 2014 study from Australia suggested that those who fasted between 8pm and noon the next day reduced their waistlines (as well as their risk of liver damage). But other studies show that breakfasting can help keep the weight off. “If you put off eating until you’re really hungry you may end up pouncing on a high calorie snack,” says Ahrens.


Your personality

busy social life may be thickening your waistline, according to Japanese research that found extrovert men were up to 1.73 times more likely to be obese than their introvert counterparts (while those with anxious personalities were twice as likely to be underweight). Ahrens is doubtful, saying “you can also eat quite a lot locked away in your own kitchen. And some people eat less in company.”



If you’ve been pounding away on the treadmill to little obvious effect, you’re not alone: a recent article in the British Journal of Sports Medicineargued controversially that while exercise is important for health, it is not the solution for weight loss.

Many people vastly overestimate how many calories they can lose through exercise, says celebrity personal trainer Kathryn Freeland ( Worse still, post-workout they often “compensate” with a (highly calorific) treat.

“If you do a 30-minute run, you might lose between 300 and 500 calories,” she says. “It only takes a Mars bar or two glasses of wine and you’re back to square one. People do kid themselves they’ve done a really tough workout and reward themselves, cancelling out the calories they’ve just burned.”

US research has found little difference in fat loss between women who work out and those who don’t. One theory is that after a gym sessionpeople cut down on ordinary physical activity, such as walking up an escalator. Exercise should still be done, but avoiding such pitfalls might help make the difference.


Low fat foods

The low fat diet has been the cornerstone of healthy eating advice for the last 40 years, but rising obesity rates suggest it’s failing to prove effective. Analysis by the Telegraph last year found that many low fat foodspromoted as healthy-eating options contained more sugar than their “full fat” equivalents – in some cases more than five times as much. Official advice is still to avoid high fat, processed and deep fried foods, but experts said the Telegraph’s findings showed how “low fat” and “low calorie” products could often have more harmful effects on health than their “full fat” equivalents, contributing not just to rising levels of obesity but also other conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer.


Reusable bags

You’re an eco-warrior, conscientiously using your bag for life to save the planet. But is that bag also wrecking your waistline? Sounds unlikely but research from California found that “own bag” users in the supermarket not only buy more organic items, they also feel so virtuous they treat themselves to “indulgent” foods high in fat, salt and sugar. No one is yet advising us to switch back to plastic bags to lose weight, but perhaps it’s only a matter of time.



Why does weight loss become so much harder as the years wear on? Animal studies suggest that menopause causes weight gain thanks to lower levels of oestrogen, which appears to lower the metabolic rate at which the body converts energy. Both sexes lose muscle mass with age and since muscle uses energy to grow, those leftover calories will instead convert to fat. Weight training will help maintain muscle mass and also improve metabolism.


Using plastic to buy food

Research at Cornell University in the US found that paying by card rather than cash encouraged shoppers to indulge in “vice” foods, the theory being that for impulse buys, card payments are less psychologically painful. The wise approach is to stick to a shopping list of healthy foods – and obey the old adage to never go shopping while hungry.


Eating like an athlete

If you’re in training, then surely you need to “carb-load? Actually no; not unless you’re a serious endurance athlete doing multiple high intensity training sessions. “It drives me nuts to see people consuming the very calories they are trying to burn off,” says Freeland.


Fad diets

Are you on the werewolf diet (fasting according to the lunar calendar)? or the five-bite diet (five bites of whatever you fancy for lunch and dinner)? Maybe you’ve tried to survive on lemon juice and maple syrup? Fad dietsmay work for a short while but your body will soon adjust to famine status, reduce metabolism and retain its fat stores.

“With extreme diets you can override the hunger signals for a while and may lose weight quickly at first but it will be mostly water,” says Ahrens. “Such diets make you feel very unwell because evolution has primed us to eat.”

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